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Avery Weigh-Tronix Model 915 Weight Indicator

Avery Weigh-Tronix Model 915 Weight Indicator

Recommended replacement is model 2060.

The Model 915 is an ideal instrument for farm platform scales, truck count scales, livestock scales and grain carts featuring gross/tare/net weighing, in/out platform scale weighing, split axle weighing, accumulation of data and a printer interface.

G/T/N Weighing - Net weighing is simply a matter of selecting a tare value using push-button tare or one of the ten tare registers and then placing the loaded container or vehicle on the scale. The indicator automatically calculates net weight and can send data to a printer

Split Axle Weighing - Allows small platform scales to weigh large trucks. The indicator accumulates weight data from each axle as it is weighed. The totaled G/T/N values are automatically displayed and sent to a printer

100 Tare Registers - Use the keypad to enter the number of any of the 100 tare values you have preset

100 Channels of Memory - Multiple uses: Use a channel to accumulate a series of weighments. Enter a starting weight and monitor inventory in a bin, or weigh a group of animals

Avery Weigh-Tronix Model 915 Weight Indicator